Friday, March 16, 2012

Simple Should Stay Simple

Assalamualaikum everybody.
Hope all of you are in a good shape.

I'm living in a good society now. I love my families here. 
All of them are born with uncountable amount of love.
But, there's only one thing I couldn't understand until now.
Why there are still people that "love" to make things more complicated?

Simple situation:
Organizing an event.
Why must they appoint so many 'AJK's? 
It is too many of them and then, and the ratio of talking to working is 10 : 1 !

Please, you are making things seem more difficult though it is very easy to be done indeed.
If the solution is 1+1, just sum it all. Never use division of square roots! HAHA
I hope all of you got my message. 
Make things simple, never make them difficult okay?
Life is so easy if we live it.
Enjoy your simple life and chase for the love of Him :)

Thanks for reading, may Allah bless you and your beloved family.

+Logic is simple, no calculation needed+

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